Christian Capurro: Reconfigured/Rediscovered, Town Hall Gallery
Christian Capurro has been included in 'Reconfigured/Rediscoved', an exhibition at Town Hall Gallery, Boroondara. The exhibition runs from 23rd January - 10 April 2021. Find out more here.
Christian Capurro: In Conversation for Buxton Contemporary
Christian Capurro in conversation with Melissa Keys in the digital conversations for Buxton Contemporary. Read the article here.
Judy Watson: Panel Discussion, Artspace
Judy Watson participated in an online panel discussion, 'out of country: blood and bone', at Artspace. More information and video can be found here.
Vernon Ah Kee, Richard Bell, Megan Cope, Gordon Hookey: OCCURRENT AFFAIR at UQ Art Museum
Vernon Ah Kee, Richard Bell, Megan Cope and Gordon Hookey and proppaNOW collective will present new commissions and existing works for 'OCCURRENT AFFAIR: proppaNOW' at the University of Queensland Art Museum. The exhibition will run from 13 February - 19 June 2021. More information can be found here.
Richard Bell: Online Conversation, The Brooklyn Rail
Richard Bell will be joining an online conversation hosted by Maura Reilly, 'Curatorial Activism/Decolonial Curating: Maura Reilly & Friends', produced by The Brooklyn Rail. The conversation can be viewed here.
Tania Bruguera, Tim Johnson: Tree Story, Monash University Museum of Art
Tania Bruguera and Tim Johnson have been included in, 'Tree Story', an exhibition at the Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne. The exhibition runs from February 6 - 10 April 2021. Find out more here.
Gordon Hookey: Interview with Gary Simmons in the New York Times
Gordon Hookey interview with Gary Simmons on his exhibition 'Sacren Nation, Scared Nation' at Fort Gansevoort, NY has been published in the New York Times. More information can be found here.
Gordon Hookey: Exhibiton Review in the New York Times
Gordon Hookey's exhibition 'Sacred Nation, Scared Nation' at Fort Gansevoort has been reviewed in the New York Times. More information can be found here.
Judy Watson: In Conversation, Experimenta
Judy Watson will be doing an in conversation with Jonathan Parsons for Experimenta on Wednesday 3 February.
Raquel Ormella: Exhibition review in Artshub
Raquel Ormella and Space YZ at Campbelltown Arts Centre with Sydney Festival has been reviewed on Artshub. More information can be found here.