Kate Beynon, Vivienne Binns, Bonita Ely, Raquel Ormella, Gemma Smith, Madonna Staunton and Judy Watson: Know My Name, National Gallery of Australia
Kate Beynon, Vivienne Binns, Bonita Ely, Raquel Ormella, Gemma Smith, Madonna Staunton and Judy Watson have been included in Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now, Part 1 at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Part 1 of this exhibtion is open until 4 July 2021. Find more information here.
Robert Andrew: in Overlapping Magisteria at ACCA, Melbourne
Robert Andrew has a new work in Overlapping Magisteria: The 2020 Macfarlane Commissions at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. The exhibition runs until 14 March 2021. More information can be found here.
JUDY WATSON: Looking Glass, A Virtual Celebration
TarraWarra Museum of Art is hosting a virtual event on Sunday 20th of December from 4-5pm. Judy Watson will be included in the panel disucssion. Register here.
Gordon Bennett: Unfinished Business, QAGOMA Exhibition reviewed by Artlink
Gordon Bennett's exhibition Unfinished Business at QAGOMA has been reviewed in Artlink. Read the article here.
JUDY WATSON: Looking Glass exhibition reviewed in The Saturday Paper
The Saturday Paper has reviewed TarraWarra Museum of Art's exhibition, Looking Glass, which includes works by Judy Watson. Read more here.
JUDY WATSON: Looking Glass exhibition reviewed by ABC News
TarraWarra Museum of Art's exhibition Looking Glass, including Judy Watson, has been reviewed by Hannah Reich for ABC News. Read more here.
ROSS MANNING: Idling Engines, GOMA Children's Art Centre, Brisbane
The Children's Art Centre at QAGOMA is currently exhibiting Idling Engines by Ross Manning. The exhibition runs until 16 April 2021. More information here.
GORDON BENNETT: Publication of Selected Writings
Griffith University Art Museum and Power Publications have published Gordon Bennett: Selected Works. More information can be found here.
GORDON HOOKEY AND RAQUEL ORMELLA: Just Not Australian opening at Wollongong Art Gallery
Just Not Austalian, which features work by Gordon Hookey and Raquel Ormella, opens at Wollongong Art Gallery on 21 November 2020. The show is on tour from Artspace, Sydney, and will run until 7 February 2021. More information here.
Natalya Hughes: Winner of Sunshine Coast Art Prize
Natalya Hughes has won the Sunshine Coast Art Prize with her work Gestural Body Painting 2020. The work will be on display until 6 December. More information here.