Elizabeth Gower is participating in an Open Studio event on 25 June at the Institut für alles Mögliche studio in Wedding, Berlin, where she has been an artist in residence for the last month.
Elizabeth Gower has recently exhibited 'Places 1980-2019', an extensive 40 year archive of over 500 photographs, with AC Institute, New York at 'Platforms Projects: Independant Art Fair' in Athens from 16 -19 May. The majority of these images, which record significant times and locations in the artist's life are analogue, pre-empting digital technology that has made this type of documentation common practice.
New Acquisitions: The Heide Collection showcases new acquisitons by the Heide Museum of Modern Art over the past three years. The exhibtion, which features work by Aleks Danko and Elizabeth Gower, focuseses on abstraction within the context of modern and contempoary art. More information can be found here.
Elizabeth Gower presents a series of her works as part of Brisbane City Council's Vibrant Laneways Project. Presented in Hutton Lane in Brisbane's central business district, the works continues Gower's interest in packaging, collage and pattern making.
Works by Aleks Danko and Elizabeth Gower will feature in the upcoming exhibition Howard Arkley and Friends at the Tarrawarra Museum of Art. Curated by Anthony Fitzpatrick and Victoria Lynn, the exhibition will showcase over sixty of Arkely's paintings alongside material from his archive, examples of his music, and work by close friends. Opening 5 December 2015, the exhibition runs until 28 February 2016.
Ian Burn, Elizabeth Gower, Robert Hunter, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy and Nigel Lendon are exhibited in Less is More at the Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne. The exhibition surveys minimal and post-minimal art in Australia.
Christian Capurro, Elizabeth Gower and Stuart Ringholt' work all feature in Cut with the Kitchen Knife. Current touring with Nets Victoria, Cut with the kitchen knife surveys the current manifestations of collage in contemporary art; a movement which takes as its starting point the absurdist collages arising from the highly influential Dadaist movement of the early twentieth century.
Works by Madonna Staunton and Elizabeth Gower will be on display as part of an upcoming exhibition at Monash University Museum of Art. Featuring works from the University collection, Black elastic, two umbrellas, a mint leaf and wheels demonstrates artists' ongoing experimentation in medium and meaning.
From 20 March to 29 August 2010, the Ian Potter Centre of NGV, Australia has made an exhibition which examines the use of collage by several Australian artists, including: Vivienne Binns, Elizabeth Gower, Gareth Sansom, Madonna Staunton, and many more. Read more here: http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/stickit/
The Heide Museum of Modern Art is hosting the show: Cubism & Australian Art, featuring many artists including Ian Burn, Gordon Bennett, Eugene Carchesio, Liz Gower, Gemma Smith and Madonna Staunton. The show is curated by Sue Cramer and Lesley Harding and is on from November 24 - April 8, 2010. Read more here: http://www.heide.com.au/Exhibitions/Cubism_Australian_Art