Peter Kennedy


b. 1945, Brisbane, Queensland. Lives and works Melbourne, Victoria.


Solo Exhibitions


Resistance, AEAF, Adelaide


ListenHear, Milani Gallery, Brisbane


Peter Kennedy: Light years, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane

Peter Kennedy, Milani Gallery, Brisbane


ONETWOTHREEFOUR (gumtrees), Sutton Gallery, Melbourne


And – an illumination, Sutton Gallery, Melbourne


Peter Kennedy: Selected Works 1970 to 2002, The Ian Potter Museum of Art, the

University of Melbourne


Requiem: for Ghosts, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne


Requiem: Choruses from the North and South, Sutton Gallery, Melbourne


AJK at the Wall of Ghosts: Watercolours by Peter Kennedy, Sutton Gallery,



Chorus: From the Breath of Wings, Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial, Museum of Modern Art at Heide, Melbourne

Transformations, Gold Coast Art Gallery, Gold Coast, University Art Museum,

University of Queensland, Brisbane; Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney


Transformations (work in progress), Lismore Regional Gallery, Lismore

Of Maps and Men: From the Secret World of Memory, Sutton Gallery, Melbourne


Nature Speaks, Bellas Gallery, Brisbane

The Glasshouse Mountains, watercolours, John Buckley, Melbourne

Inhibodress 1970 – 1972, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy, Mike Parr, touring

exhibition; Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane; Perth Institute of Contemporary

Art, Perth; Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide; University of Melbourne Art

Gallery, Melbourne


The Stars Disordered, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, Bicentennial touring exhibition; Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne; Devonport Art

Gallery, Devonport; Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Adelaide;

Undercroft Gallery, Perty; University Art Museum, University of Queensland,

Brisbane; The Centre Gallery, Gold Coast; Power Gallery, University of Sydney;

Wollongong City Gallery, Woollongong; Orange City Gallery, Orange; Canberra

Contemporary Art Gallery, Canberra


Nature Speaks, John Buckley, Melbourne

Popular Front, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne


Tantawangalo Landscapes, John Buckley, Melbourne


The Stars Disordered (drawings), University Art Museum, University of

Queensland, Brisbane


Istoria, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, Centre for the Arts, University of

Tasmania, Hobart


November Eleven, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes

Installations No’s. 1 & 2, Ewing Gallery, University of Melbourne

Installation No. 1, Praxis, Fremantle

Installation No’s. 1 & 2, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane


Two Contemporary Artists: Peter Kennedy and John Nixon, National Gallery of


Introductions, Institute of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Experimental Art

Foundation, Adelaide


Peter Kennedy and Mike Parr, Gallerie Media, Neachatel, Switzerland


Peter Kennedy and Mike Parr, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax; A

Space Gallery, Toronto

Trans Art 1 – Idea Demonstrations, Peter Kennedy and Mike Parr, Inhibodress,


Luminal Sequences, Gallery A, Sydney

But The Fierce Blackman, Inhibodress, Sydney


Neon-light Installations (reproduction), Gallery A, Sydney

Tim Johnson and Peter Kennedy, Gallery A, Sydney


The Johnson Gallery, Brisbane


Selected Group Exhibitions


Dissenting Voices, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth


Art as a Verb, Artspace, Sydney

See you at the Barricades, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Luminous, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney


Art as a verb, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne (touring)


Melbourne Now, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne


Negotiating this World: Contemporary Australian Art, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Less is More, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne


Ten Years of Contemporary Australian Art: The James C. Sourris AM Collection, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane


Sweet Spot, The Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne

Gallery A Sydney 1964 – 1983, Campbelltown Arts Centre; Newcastle Regional


Neon-light installations (reproduction), MCA/Westfield, Sydney, Hoarding, CBD,



My Favourite Australian, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, with the

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).


Figuring Landscapes: artists, moving image from Australia and the UK, Catherine

Elwes (ed), the International Centre for Fine Art Research and Camberwell

College of Arts, University of the Arts, London


The far side of the moon, McClelland Gallery and Sculpture Park, Langwarrin

Reveries: photography and mortality, touring exhibition. National Portrait

Gallery Canberra; University Art Museum, University of Queensland, Brisbane;

Mornington Peninsular Regional Gallery, Mornington

The weight of history, Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gipssland


Light Sensitive: Contemporary Australian Photography from the Loti Smorgon Fund,

The Ian Potter Centre: NGV, Melbourne


Recent Acquisitions, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Unscripted, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

New Acquisitions In Context, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

Big Bang – destruction and creation in the 20th century art, Musee Nationale

d’Art Moderne, Paris


Meridian: Focus on contemporary Australian Art, MCA, Sydney


Lightness of Being: Contemporary Photographic Art from Australia, Monash

University Museum of Art, Melbourne

Resonance: Sound and Vision, (organised by Griffith Artworks, Griffith

University), State Library of Queensland, Brisbane


Zeitgenossische Fotokunst aus Australien, Museum Schloss Hardenberg, Velbert,

Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Kulturzentrumder Stadt Stuttgart, Stuttgart,

Murer Berliner Kunstvereun, Berlin, Germany.


Signs of Life, Melbourne International Biennial, Melbourne

Commissioned Artworks, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart

Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin 1950’s – 1980’s, Queens Museum of Art,

New York, Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis, Miami Art Museum, Miami


What John Berger Saw, ANU Canberra School of Art Gallery, Canberra and touring

Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, University of South Australia Museum of Art;

Adelaide, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne, John Curtin Gallery; Perth; IMA,



Australian Drawings from the Gallery’s Collection, Art Gallery of New South

Wales, Sydney

The Real Thing, Museum of Modern Art at Heide, Melbourne


Pulse Friction, Centre for the Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart

Kedumba Drawing Award, Blue Mountrains Grammar School, Blackheath, New South


25 Years of Performance Art in Australia, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney

Faciality, Monash University Gallery and Victorian regional gallery tour


Luminaries, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne

In the spirit of Fluxus, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, touring

United States of America and Spain


Contemporary Australian Drawings (from the collection), Art Gallery of New South

Wales, Sydney


Off The Wall In The Air, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne

Inaugural Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

Artist and Aspects of the Contemporary Art Society, Queensland Branch, Brisbane

City Hall Art Gallery and Museum, Brisbane


Irony, Humour and Dissent, touring exhibition, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery,

Ballarat, Moree Plains Art Gallery, Moree


Manly Art Gallery and Museum, Sydney; Monash University Gallery, Melbourne


Satellite Cultures, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, New Museum of Contemporary

Art, New York


Australianarama, Centre for the Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart


Other Landscapes, United Artists Gallery, Melbourne

6th French-Chilean Video Festival, Santiago, Chile


Queensland Works 1950-1985 Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, University Art

Museum, University of Queensland


Private Symbol, Social Metaphor, 5th Biennale of Sydney Peter Kennedy with John

Hughes, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney


D’un Autre Continent: l’Austrlie, la Reve et la Reel, Peter Kennedy with John

Hughes, ARC, Musee d’Art Muderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris


Eureka! Artists from Australia, Peter Kenedy with John Hughes, Institute of

Contemporary Art, London


Australian Perspecta, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, Art Gallery of New South

Wales, Sydney


Recent Australian Video Tapes, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, tour of Japan and

major Australian centres


Videotapes dall’ Australia, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, Venice Biennale

Video Mayfair, Peter Kennedy with John Hughes, Sydney Filmmakes Co-op


European Dialogue, Third Biennale of Sydney, Peeter Kennedy with John Hughes,

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney


Illusion & Reality, all state galleries


Performance, Documents, Film, Video, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne


Recent Australian Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney


Summer Festival Exhibition, Reyjkavik, Iceland

Action Film Video, Galerie Impact, Lausanne, Switzerland

Notes and Score for Sounds, Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco


Activities, Inhibodress, Sydney

I want to leave a nice well done child here (20 Australian Artists), Bonython

gallery, Sydney


CAS Annual Exhibition, Farmers Blaxland Gallery, Sydney


Australian Young Contemporaries, Argus Gallery, Melbourne


Young Contemporaries, Farmers Blaxland Gallery, Sydney


Residencies, Awards, Grants


1994 Visual Arts/Crafts Board, Australia Council Fellowship

1996 Earthwatch Fellowship, Papua New Guinea


Public Collections


Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide,

Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth

Crown Limited, Melbourne

Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Queensland

Griffith University, Brisbane

Institute of Contemporary Art, London

John Wardie Architects, Melbourne

Kedumba Drawing Prize Collection, Blue Mountains Grammar School, New South Wales

Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne

Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

National Portrait Gallery, Canberra

Nepean Collection, School of Contemporary Art, University of Western Sydney

Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane

RACV, Melbourne

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart

Tate Gallery, London

University Art Museum, University of Queensland, Brisbane

National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Private Collections


Selected Bibliography


Beilharz, P. ‘Departures and Arrivals’, ex. Cat, Requiem for Ghosts, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 1998

Bellamy, L. ‘In the end was the word’, The Age, 21 February, 1998

‘Portrait of the artist as a survivor’, The Age, 30 April 2002

Briers, D. ‘In Australia I will…’, Pages, London, 1971

Bromfield, D. Identities A Critical Study of the work of Mike Parr 1970 – 1990, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, 1991

Brook, D. ‘Sydney Commentary: New Art in Australia’, Studio International, London, Vol181, No930, pp76-80, Feb 1971

‘Idea Demonstrations: body art and ‘video freaks’ in Sydney’, Studio International, London, Vol185, No956, pp269-273, 1973

Cramer, S. Interview, Inhibodress 1970-72, ex. Cat. Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, 1989

Crombie, I. ‘Here and Now: Contemporary Australian Photography in Australia’, Light Sensitive – Contemporary Australian Photography from the Loti Smorgon Fund, ex. Cat. The Ian Potter Centre: NGV :A, Melbourne

De Groen, G. Conversations with Australian Artists, Quartet, Melbourne, 1978

Engberg, J, ‘AND’, ex. Cat., Requiem for Ghosts, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 1998

Fridemanis, H. Artists and Aspects of the Contemporary Art Society, Queensland Branch, ex. Cat., Brisbane City Hall Art Gallery and Museum, Brisbane, 1991

Green, C. ‘Luminaries’, Art and Text, 47, 1994

Geczy, A &

Genocchio,B. ’What is Installation? : An anthology of writings on Australian installation art”, Power Publications, Sydney 2001

Hall, B. Popular Front, ex. Cat., Coolaroo West Community Houses Inc., Melbourne, 1991

Hansen, D.(ed) ‘Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial’ ex. Cat., Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial, Melbourne, 1993.

Hendricks, J. Fluxus Codex: The Gilbert & Lily Silverman Collection, Detroit, Michigan, in association with Harry N. Abrams Inc., Publishers, New York, 1988

Holmes, J. Peter Kennedy’s Istoria, ex. Cat., Centre For The Arts, University of Tasmania, 1986

Jones, S. Participation TV: Notes on a Early Australian Video Art’, Video Logic, MCA, 2008

Kennedy, P. ‘Inhibodress – Just For The Record’, Art Network, 1982

‘The Exhibition: Different Approaches’, Craft Council of Australia Conference Papers, Craft Council of Victoria, 1979

‘Sydney University Art Workshop, Post 1984’, Discussion Paper, Parts 1, 2, 3, 1984

‘The Visual Arts, Community Arts and Visual Arts Education, A Long Term View – Towards 2000’, Victorian Ministry for the Arts, 1986

Kirby, S. ‘Directions in Australian Radical Art: Affirmation and Opposition’, Art/Network, Summer/Autumn, Sydney, 1982

LIppard, L. (ed) Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object, Studio Vista, London, 1973

Lippard, L. Reconsidering the Object of Art 1965 – 1975, MIT, 2000

‘Out of Control: Australian Art on the Left’, Village Voice, New York, Oct, 1982

Get the Message – Activist Essays n Art ad Politics, Dutton, New York, 1984

Marsh, A. Body and Self: Performance Art in Australia 1969 – 1992, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1993

‘Unmapped: The political dialogue of an artist’, Globe E-Journal, Issue 8, 1998

‘Peter Kennedy: Poetics, politics, and a silent music’. Interview, Globe E-Journal, Issue 8, 1998

‘Requiem, Chorus – Peter Kennedy’s Millennium Opus’, Eyeline, No. 36, 1998

‘Peter Kennedy An Avant-Garde Practice’,, Peter Kennedy: Selected Works 1970 – 2002, The Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne, 24 April – 30 June, 2002

‘The Medium as Ghost: Politics, and Poetics in Peter Kennedy’s work’, in Hilda Van Gelder and Helen Westgeest (eds.), Photography between Poetry and Politics: The Critical Position of the Photographic Medium in Contemporary Art, Leuven University Press, Belgium, 2008

Mateer, J. ‘Peter Kennedy Selected Works 1970 – 2002’, Art Monthly, #151, July 2002

Miles, M. ‘Peter Kennedy: Urban Illuminations’, Eyeline, #52, 2003

Murray, J. ‘Australia’, Art and Artists, November 1972

Murphy, B. Lightness of Being: Contemporary Photographic Art from Australia, ex. cat., Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany

Murphy, J. ‘Gallery A, Sydney, 1964 – 1983’ exhibition catalogue, Campbelltown Arts Centre and Newcastle Regional Gallery, 2009

Nelson, R. ‘Australia’s Renaissance of Drawing – The Rebirth of the Pictorial Face?’, Arena, Melbourne, Dec 1992, Jan 1993

Plant, M. ‘Peter Kennedy’, Meridian: Focus on contemporary Australian art, ex. cat., Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.

Phipps, J. Off The Wall in the Air, ex. cat., Monash University Gallery, Melbourne, 1991

Scarlett, K. ‘Melbourne, Australia. Peter Kennedy, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art’. Sculpture, Washington, October, 1998.

Sheridan, N. Data Arte, 19, Nov/Dec 1975, Milan, Italy.

Smith, B. Australian Painting 1788-1990, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1991

‘Peter Kennedy. Chorus: From The Breath of Wings’, ex. cat. Museum of Modern Art at Heide, Melbourne, 1993

Smith , T Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950’s – 1980’s, ex. cat, Queens Museum of Art, New York, 1999

Underhill, N. ‘Art on the Agenda’, Praxis M, no. 16, Perth, 1987

‘Peter Kennedy: Breaking down the Barriers’, Art & Australia

Vivian, H.(ed) When you think about Art: the Eging and George Paton Galleries 1971 – 2000, Macmillan, Melbourne, 2008

Walking, L. ‘Peter Kennedy: In Conversation’. Photofile, #66, September 2002, published by Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney.

Zurbrugg, N. ‘Inhibodress 1970-72’, Art + Text, #35, Summer 1990




This is Modern Art – Hollow Laughter, Channel 4 Television Corporation UK 1999

Other than Art’s Sake, series of interviews with Steve Willats, Hans Haacke, Judy Chicago, Arlene Raven, Adrian Piper, David Medalla, Charles Simonds, and Ian Breakwell, 1973


Selected Catalogues


Peter Kennedy: Light Years 1970-1, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane 2011

Video Logic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 2008

Light Sensitive – Contemporary Australian Photography from the Loti Smorgon Fund, ex. cat. The Ian Potter Centre: NGV : A, Melbourne, 2006

Peter Kennedy: Selected Works 1970 – 2002, The Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2002

Lightness of Being: Contemporary Photographic Art from Australian, ex. cat. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany 2001

What John Berger Saw, ex. cat., ANU Canberra School for Art, Canberra, 2000

Signs of Life, ex. cat., Melbourne International Biennial, Melbourne, 1999

Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s – 1980s,, Queens Museum of Art, New York, 1998

Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial. Vols 1&2, ex. cat, Fifth Australian Sculpture Triennial, Melbourne, 1993

Luminaries, ex. cat., Monash University Gallery, Melbourne, 1993

Off the Wall In The Air, ex. cat, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne, 1991

Inhibodress 1970 – 1972, ex. cat., Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, 1989

Fluxus Codex: The Gilbert and Lila Silverman Collection; ex. cat., in association with Harry N Abrams Inc Publishers, New York, 1988

The Stars Disordered,, University Art Museum, University of Queensland, 1988

Private Symbol, Social Metaphor,, Fifth Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, 1984

D’un autre Continent: l’Australie le reve et le reel, ex. cat., Musee dart Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 1983

Eureka! Artists from Australia, ex. cat., ICA/Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1982

Australian Perspecta, 1981, ex. cat., Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 1981

European Dialogue, ex. cat., Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, 1979

Flash Art, Milan, Hune/July, 1979

Illusion and Reality, ex. cat, Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 1977

Recent Australian Art, ex. cat., Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 1973