Bonita Ely
Bonita Ely: Artist Room at MCA
Bonita Ely will exhibit Controlled Atmosphere and Murray River Punch at Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. It will be displayed as part of the Artist Room series from 1 April - 6 November, 2022. More information can be found here.
Bonita Ely: Feature at State Library Gallery
Bonita Ely has been featured in the Meet the Artists exhibition at the State Library Gallery, State Library of Queensland. The exhibition runs from 28th October 2022 - 23 April 2023. The interview with Julie Ewington can be found here.
Vernon Ah Kee, Gordon Bennett, Bonita Ely, Dale Harding, Peter Kennedy, Judy Watson: Exhibition at TATE Modern, London
Vernon Ah Kee, Gordon Bennett, Bonita Ely, Dale Harding, Peter Kennedy, Judy Watson have been included in the exhibition 'A Year in Art: Australia 1992' at the TATE Modern, London. The exhibition will run until Spring 2022. More information can be found here.
Robert Andrew, Ian Burn, Bonita Ely, Dale Harding, Sancintya Mohini Simpson: On Earth, QUT Art Museum
Robert Andrew, Ian Burn, Bonita Ely, Dale Harding, and Sancintya Mohini Simpson will have work presented in On Earth, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane. The exhibition runs from 27 March - 6 June 2021. Find out more here.
Vivienne Binns, Bonita Ely, Peter Kennedy: TATE and MCA acquisitions
The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, Tate, London, have announced their new Australian artwork acquisitions for their International Joint Acquisition Program. Included in this are The Aftermath and the Ikon of Fear (1984–5) by Vivienne Binns, Jabiluka UO2 by Bonita Ely (1979), and Snare (1972/2019) and But the Fierce Blackman (1971/2011) by Peter Kennedy.
Khadim Ali, Megan Cope, Bonita Ely, Tom Nicholson, Raquel Ormella: MCA Collection: Perspectives on Place
Khadim Ali, Megan Cope, Bonita Ely, Tom Nicholson, and Raquel Ormella have been included in the MCA Collection: Perspectives on Place exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. The exhibition runs until 4 September 2022. Find out more here.
Bonita Ely: Article in Sydney Morning Herald
Bonita Ely's Jabiluka UO2 (1979) has been featured in the Sydney Morning Herald, in conjunction with its exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, as part of the Perspectives on Place exhibition. Read the article here.
Kate Beynon, Vivienne Binns, Bonita Ely, Raquel Ormella, Gemma Smith, Madonna Staunton and Judy Watson: Know My Name, National Gallery of Australia
Kate Beynon, Vivienne Binns, Bonita Ely, Raquel Ormella, Gemma Smith, Madonna Staunton and Judy Watson have been included in Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now, Part 1 at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Part 1 of this exhibtion is open until 4 July 2021. Find more information here.
BONITA ELY: Memento at Penrith Regional Gallery
Memento, an exhibition of Bonita Ely's Plastikus Progressus and Interior Decoration bodies of work opens at Penrith Regional Gallery on 21 November 2020. The exhibition runs til 28 February 2021. More information can be found here.
Bonita Ely and Judy Watson: Water, GOMA
Bonita Ely and Judy Watson's work will be featured in 'Water' at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) open from 7 December 2019 – 26 April 2020. More information available here.
Bonita Ely, Judy Watson: Water, GOMA, Brisbane
Bonita Ely's work and a new comisssion by Judy Watson will be exhibited in Water at the Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, opening 7 December 2019. More information here.
Bonita Ely: Solo Exhibition, Griffith University Art Museum
Bonita Ely: Future Tense, a major exhibition of Bonita Ely's work, will be opening at Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane, on 12 October. The exhibition will be on display until 8 February 2020. Find out more here.
Bonita Ely: in m_othering exhibition at Counihan Gallery
Bonita Ely's work has been included in the exhibition m_othering the perceptual ars poetica at Counihan Gallery, Victoria. The exhibition runs until 29 September. More information can be found here.
Bonita Ely: At home with the Locust People, Art Gallery of New South Wales
Bonita Ely's work At home with the Locust People is currently on display in the Australian 20th century collection galleries at Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Bonita Ely, Dale Harding: Material Place: Reconsidering Australian Landscapes, UNSW Galleries
Bonita Ely and Dale Harding have been included in Material Place: Reconsidering Australian Landscapes at UNSW Galleries. The exhibition gathers artists who are thinking through the materiality of the Australian landscape and it's representation, and runs 22 June to 7 September 2019. More information here.
Bonita Ely: From The Kitchen Table, Drew Gallery Projects 1984-90
Bonita Ely's work has been included in 'From The Kitchen Table. Drew Gallery Projects 1984-90' at GCP London (The Gallery and Dilston Grove), London. The exhibition runs from 16 May - 30 June 2019. Find out more here.
BONITA ELY: Human Free Earth, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Bonita Ely's work Plastikus Progresses is currently on display in Human Free Earth, as part of Plasticity of the Planet, staged by lokal_30 at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Poland. The exhibition runs from March 15 - September 22, 2019. Find out more here.
BONITA ELY: From The Kitchen Table. Drew Gallery Projects 1984-90, Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury
Bonita Ely's work has been included in 'From The Kitchen Table. Drew Gallery Projects 1984-90' at Herbert Read Gallery, Cantebury, United Kingdom. The exhibition runs until 9 November 2018. More information can be found here.
Richard Bell, Bonita Ely, Gordon Hookey, Tom Nicholson: Frontier Imaginaries Ed.5: Trade Markings, Vanabbe Museum, Eindhoven
Works by Richard Bell, Bonita Ely, Gordon Hookey and Tom Nicholson have been included in the fifth edition of Frontier Imaginaries 'Trade Markings' at the Vanabbe Museum, Eindhoven. The exhibition has been curated by Vivian Ziherl in collaboration with Charles Esche and Annie Fletcher. The exhibition runs 7 April - 1 June 2018. More information can be found here.
Bonita Ely, Madonna Staunton: They Say I Look Like My Mother, 55 Sydenham Road
Works by Bonita Ely and Madonna Staunton have been included in the exhibition They Say I Look Like My Mother, curated by Chelsea Hopper at 55 Sydenham Road. The exhibition runs until 18 March.
IAN BURN, BONITA ELY, TIM JOHNSON: 'in site: process, performance, documentation', UQ Art Museum, Brisbane
Works by Ian Burn, Bonita Ely and Tim Johnson have been included in 'in site: process, performance, documentation' at the UQ Art Museum. The exhibition juxtaposes Australian experimental art practice from the 1960s and 1970s with more recent artworks that explore related ideas. The exhibition opens on 9 March to 5 August 2018. More information can be found here.
RICHARD BELL, BONITA ELY, GORDON HOOKEY: Toxic Assets live stream from e-flux and Columbia University, New York
TOXIC ASSETS which features work by Richard Bell, Bonita Ely and Gordon Hookey, will be live streamed on the Frontier Imaginaries website between 20-22 October EST and can be viewed here.
Richard Bell, Bonita Ely, Gordon Hookey: 'TOXIC ASSETS: Frontier Imaginaries Ed.No3', e-flux and Columbia University, New York
Richard Bell's Embassy (2013-present), as well as work by Bonita Ely and Gordon Hookey, will be exhibited as part of the third chapter of Frontier Imaginaries at e-flux and Columbia University in New York. TOXIC ASSETS is a public seminar featuring dance, poetry, art installation, screenings, and talks over 18-22 October. More information